The Pursuit of Peace, The Martial Arts Tradition Continues

Our Goju-Ryu Bubishi Lineage

Masashi Sudo and Kenshu Watanabe with a portrait of Sosui Ichikawa
Masashi Sudo and Kenshu Watanabe with a portrait of Sosui Ichikawa

Our Bubishi lineage starts with the Founder of Goju-Ryu, Chojun Miyagi and passed down through a tradition from master to devoted and trusted student, to signify their progression to a master themselves. Each person in this lineage did not simply train with their teacher for a period of time, but they dedicated their entire lives to learning under this master until death.

Chojun Miyagi
Chojun Miyagi (1888 to 1953)
Founder of Goju-Ryu
Seiko Higa
Seiko Higa (1898 to 1966)
1st receipient of Bubishi Masters degree
Kanki Izumikawa
Kanki Izumikawa (1909 to 1967)
2nd receipient of Bubishi Masters degree
Sosui Ichikawa
Sosui Ichikawa (1924 to 2005)
3rd receipient of Bubishi Masters degree
Masashi Sudo
Masashi Sudo (1940 to Present)
4th receipient of Bubishi Masters degree
Kenshu Watanabe
Kenshu Watanabe (1946 to Present)
5th receipient of Bubishi Masters degree
Founder of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Mission International